C.A.M.P. 2024年6月3日至7日在伍兹举行

即将升入二年级的高中生, 我们鼓励大三或大四学生申请参加 挑战抱负,发挥潜能 or C.A.M.P. 在树林里 参加课程并获得两个大学学分! 该项目将于6月3日至7日在SMWC校园举行, 2024年(5天)作为日营项目. 今年将不再是住宿项目. 所有参与的学生都需要是通勤者. 学生 accepted into the program from outside the local area will need to plan for their own lodging and provide their own transportation to campus each day. 周四晚上, 6月5日, we plan to invite all students to stay overnight and have an evening of activities. 

Embraced by key faculty who are experts in the respective subject areas for the program offerings, C.A.M.P. 在树林里 has generated the opportunity to develop new and innovative curricula for high school students. 这些课程是沉浸式的, 参与并分享学术核心框架, 确保交付的质量和便利性.

今年的申请已经截止. 候选人将于2024年4月10日之前选出并通知.
报名费用为250美元,截止日期为2024年5月15日. 这笔费用包括所有日常活动, 每日早餐及午餐, 以及周四的通宵体验.


到C.A.M.P. 在树林里 活动将于2024年3月20日下午6点举行.m. 在SMWC校园鲁尼图书馆内的伍兹学生中心. This will be an opportunity for prospective participants and their families to learn more about each C.A.M.P. 在树林里 提供并参与突出每个项目的沉浸式体验. 的 in-person evening 博彩平台网址大全 includes break-out sessions for each of the five program offerings. 的 Pre-College Outreach admissions representative will be present to assist prospective students. A virtual component will be offered to meet the needs of those who cannot attend in person. 参加会议是免费的 到C.A.M.P在树林里. If attendance is not an option, please contact the Director of Pre-College Outreach at 鲍勃.jackson@ziggyyoediono.com or 812-535-5291.

问题? 查看我们的 常见问题页面!


这三个 走出去 课程s will culminate after the June on-campus program by providing the opportunity for students to participate in a fully-funded, 教师主导的海外留学经历. Funding for travel is provided by the Indiana Youth Programs on Campus, a Lilly Endowment Inc. 格兰特.
Go 全球- GL 150 学生们将到国外旅游 Galápagos厄瓜多尔群岛
Go 全球- EQ 150 学生们将前往 德国斯图加特
走出去 NU 150 学生们将前往 英国伦敦
所有 走出去 students will be required to get passports or show proof that they have current passports prior to the summer program.

If attendance is not an option, please contact the Director of Pre-College Outreach at 鲍勃.jackson@ziggyyoediono.com or 812-535-5291.

PE 150 学生们将在夏令营期间前往印第安纳波利斯, IN, 参观国家健身与运动研究所, NCAA冠军大厅和卢卡斯石油体育场. 这是一夜之间的经历.

EV 150 students will travel to Yellowstone National Park in July 2024 to study controversial issues concerning Yellowstone wolves and bison.


五个C.A.M.P 课程s are facilitated by key faculty in the academic content areas of Environmental Sustainability, 全球领导地位, 马产业, 护理与体育. 这强化了C.A.M.P. 参与者向每个内容领域的专家学习. 所有 C.A.M.P. 在树林里 参与者将分享他们所学到的知识 展示 在最后一天. 父母, 家庭, K-12 school district staff and faculty and other community members will be invited to the 展示 博彩平台网址大全. 完成以下任务的参与者 C.A.M.P. 在树林里 programs will earn two SMWC credit hours that will be documented on an SMWC transcript.

从这些选项中任选一个.A.M.P. 选项:

走向全球- NU 150:未来的护士

This 课程 will develop an awareness of and willingness to increase understanding and application of a growth mindset. It also establishes an awareness for the supportive networks offered to encourage students at SMWC during this C.A.M.P. 在树林里 课程. 这个C.A.M.P 课程 is for students considering nursing as a profession and includes topics focused on the expansive role of the professional nurse, 护理史, 护理伦理, 专业的沟通, 职业发展机会, 使用技术和基本护理技能. 这门课程将有一个“走向全球”的组成部分. 学生 participating in the 走出去 NU 150 课程 will have the opportunity to participate in a faculty-led travel abroad experience in 英国伦敦, 在2024年秋天.

9年级毕业 & 成功完成生物学导论课程(优先).

教授:博士. 水晶白

PE 150:健康与保健导论

This 课程 will develop an awareness of and willingness to increase understanding and application of a growth mindset. 这个夏令营是对联合医疗专业的介绍, 比如私人教练, 体能训练师, 物理治疗等. 向学生介绍身体成分的测量, 心血管健康和整体健康. 学生 will have hands-on application to health outcomes, such as blood pressure and heart rate. Basic human anatomy and physiology will be discussed, along with lifesaving skills. 学生 who demonstrate skill mastery will earn a certification through the American Red Cross in CPR/AED and first aid.

顺利完成9年级健康课程 & 健康与体育 & 对改善自己的健康和帮助周围的人感兴趣.

与博士共同授课. 特里西娅皮尔斯


This 课程 will develop an awareness of and willingness to increase understanding and application of a growth mindset. It will also establish an awareness of the supportive networks offered to encourage students at SMWC during this C.A.M.P. 在树林里 课程. Participants in this summer learning experience will learn various global applications of environmental science and sustainability as they relate to conserving and managing our shared global ecosystems.

Completion of two semesters of high school biology (or advanced life sciences), 完成两个学期的高中化学, 与代数II, 附上高中成绩单. This group will be traveling to Yellowstone National Park to study the controversy surrounding wolves and bison in the Greater Yellowstone area (Montana, 怀俄明州和爱达荷州).

教授:. 鲍勃杰克逊

走向全球- EQ 150:马业介绍

This 课程 will develop an awareness of and willingness to increase understanding and application of a growth mindset. It also establishes an awareness of the supportive networks offered to encourage students at SMWC during this C.A.M.P. 在伍兹球场. This 课程 is designed to introduce pre-college students to the world of equine studies. 学生将学习马术入门, 骑, 仪容整洁和一般护理指导, as well as an introduction to the science of the equine industry (nutrition, 繁殖, 以及马的一般生理).

完成高中生物、代数I优先 & 九年级的体育课, 学校辅导员的推荐信, and willingness to travel to Germany (fully funded faculty-led study abroad, 在2024年6月C之后的2024年秋季.A.M.P. 校园会话.

教授:博士. 爱德华·弗格森和萨拉·舒尔茨,M.Ed.

走向全球- GL 150:积极变革的领导者

This 课程 will develop an awareness of and willingness to increase understanding and application of a growth mindset. It also establishes an awareness for the supportive networks offered to encourage students at SMWC during this C.A.M.P. 在伍兹球场. Responsible global leadership and leaders of positive change lessons provide the foundation in this C.A.M.P. 在伍兹球场 for students in grades 11-12 to develop a project proposal that can influence positive change on a globally local (glocal) level. 学生 will participate in initiatives that can increase their growth and global mindset in a variety of ways, 比如通过文化沉浸. 学生 will participate in a faculty-led short-term study abroad following the successful completion of this 课程.

不需要课程先决条件. 所有 applicants should be rising high school juniors or seniors (current sophomores and juniors) and have an interest in leadership. 所有 applicants are to submit a short essay highlighting leadership experience and additional questions that are included in the application, 推荐信, and a willingness to travel to Quito and the Galapagos Islands located in Ecuador. This is a fully funded faculty-led study abroad; speaking Spanish is not required. 的 study abroad experience will take place in the Fall semester after the June 2024 C.A.M.P. 校园会话.

教授:博士. 金伯利LaComba

C.A.M.P. 计划能力